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5307 W 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA
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p: (323) 420-5307
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Friday: 10:30—6:00
Saturday: 9:00—5:00
Sun/Mon: Appointment
5307 W 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90036
p: (323) 420-5307
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Tuesday: 10:30—7:00
Wednesday: 10:30—7:00
Thursday: 12:30—9:00
Friday: 10:30—6:00
Saturday: 9:00—5:00
Sun/Mon: Appointment
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Beautiful color our salon coordinator at The Hair Parlor on 8th
Months of careful color went into this beautiful platinum.
Beautiful dimension framing her face.
This vibrant red to pink color is everything. Color and style at The Hair Parlor on 8th.
Cool blonde babylights by Sophie at The Hair Parlor on 8th
Barber Chair Detail
Still dreaming of this copper rose color we did on her previous blonde hair. By Sophie Davies
Davines - More Inside Hair Care Products
She flows. A beautiful soft brown cut, color and style.
This vibrant copper balayage is all we need this Fall. Color | Style by Sophie
Joey added brightness and warmth to her blonde for a fresh dimensional look.
This blonde created by Sophie on her guest. They call it "Scandinavian Blonde".
Golden balayage and sun kissed color has us running for the surf. Hair by Sophie
Golden blonde highlights that shine in the night light. Color and style by Joey Croft.
Curly hair cut and Style by Skyler.
High contrast ash balayage created by Owner/Stylist, Sophie Davies
Platinum pixie for the win. Nothing subtle about this hair. Color/ Style by Sophie Davies
Loved creating these soft sutble tones in her new hair cut. Color, cut and style by Sophie Davies
Ivy decor in salon
Owner and stylist, Sophie, in action.
A beautiful golden balayage
We've had a lot of fun doing many shades and versions of this cut and color.
The boss said, "make me copper". Must i oblige. Color and style at The Hair Parlor on 8th
Blondes come in so many colors. This one was done by Sophie to help blend new white hairs.
Soft up-do and style on our guest. Hair styling at The Hair Parlor on 8th.
Short french bob on our guest - cut and style by Sophie
Gentleman's Hair Cut and Style. Hair cut by Sophie Davies
This platinum was hoping to grow out her natural and yet stay blonde. Caitlyn did a great job.
Bright dimensional blonde, created at The Hair Parlor on 8th
Loving her confidence in her new hair color and style
We have signage. And we love it. What are your thoughts?
A simple hair cut can really bring out your hair color. Style by Sophie Davies.
Fun razor cut and style by Tricia.
Drooling over these colors and tones.
Soft blended highlights that add dimmension and brightness. Hair by Sophie Davies.